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Goals designed to help you gain a greater understanding of key subjects vital to your education.

An education that demands more, helps you become more

Our goal is to help you successfully reach your academic and professional aspirations and equip you with skills you need to make a difference in your workplace and in your community. The University of Phoenix Learning Goals—the essence of the University education—are incorporated throughout our academic programs, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜与教学.

作为一名毕业生, you will demonstrate the essential 实践 of cultural competence through proactively seeking to understand the differences in others, examining favored beliefs about yourself and others and taking advantage of opportunities to grow and change when necessary.

Value others within diverse workplaces and communities.

You will learn how to engage in overt and deliberate planning, 实践, 策略, 政策, ethical actions and collaborations that support diversity and foster inclusion and belonging.

作为一名毕业生, you will be able to reason clearly and critically. 你会是一个解决问题的人, 能够识别和评估问题, utilize critical-thinking skills to recommend alternative solutions, select and implement a solution and analyze the consequences and outcomes.

Dare to think of new solutions to the biggest challenges.

You’ll gain critical-thinking and 解决问题 skills you can use in the classroom and on the job. You’ll learn how to 评估 challenging situations, find innovative solutions and analyze the results.

作为一名毕业生, you will be able to communicate verbally and in writing in a clear, 简洁正确的态度. You will use proper grammar and punctuation. You will analyze the needs of your audience, 调整消息的内容, choose from a variety of communication tools and deliver your message accordingly.

Communicate with clarity, meaning and impact.

Knowing how to write clearly and communicate effectively is essential at work and in life. You’ll learn how to be an intelligent communicator who can reach out to your co-workers, potential employers and community members.

作为一名毕业生, you will be able to access and ethically use information and data from a variety of sources. You will research and analyze the plausibility and accuracy of the information. You will learn to utilize digital tools to create new information or knowledge and responsibly disseminate it in a digital environment. 

Access, utilize, and create information

在数字信息时代, 知道在哪里访问, 评估, and use information to your advantage is an important skill in work and in life.

作为一名毕业生 you will work effectively in groups and teams. You will be a collaborator, able to foster constructive interactions. You will build consensus by acknowledging the perspectives of others. You will function well as both a leader and a follower in working productively to achieve results.

工作 constructively with others to achieve results.

You’ll learn there is strength in numbers, whether you’re working on a team as a student or as a professional. 通过积极合作, you’ll gain valuable experience and insight from the people around you—who will also challenge you to grow as an individual and as a team member.


The mission of the 通识教育 undergraduate curriculum is to provide students with coursework that improves student academic and 职业生涯 readiness and develops practical skills that can be applied in a variety of contexts for academic, 职业生涯, 个人的成功. The 通识教育 curriculum fosters development of skills in critical and creative thinking, 解决问题, 有效的沟通, 定量推理, 科学思维与探究, and intercultural and interpersonal awareness.

通识教育 Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will apply 有效的沟通 skills in a variety of contexts
  2. Students will utilize 定量推理 skills for a variety of purposes.
  3. Students will utilize 科学思维与探究 skills for a variety of purposes.
  4. Students will apply critical and creative thinking skills in a variety of contexts.
  5. Students will apply intercultural and interpersonal awareness in a variety of contexts.